Pillows and Blankets!! You Gots To Know!!!

what luvn itPillows and Blankies For your Everyday Needs! Materials and how to, at the bottom!!

1) Pick your fabric ( Bigger and bolder the better) (now if there is a patteren please make sure that it will line up in the end)

2) Bedding and stuffing ( You know those fluffy balls you can get at Dollorama and Dollar stores, just purchase those. Either that or if you are feeling diabolical buy a stuffed toy and rip it appart and use that for other things, like sewing a carpet with the scraps!!)

3) Aline the fabric and sew no father than 1cm from the ends ( if that helps any!)

4) Fluff the pillow and/or blankie and leave it for the day to settle then it is free to get dragged around scrunched up and barfed on!!!

Hope this helps


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