Upholstered Wall

I am for one sorry for not posting anything for such a long time!!!!! 😦 And twoUpholstered Wall I have to thank Pinterest for a lot of the Ideas!!!!!

How to make this beautiful background for your wall or headboard of your bed!!!!


  1. Fabric
  2. Tacks (Very sturdy ones)
  3. Bedding (very thick foam)
  4. Hammer

Take measurements of the wall you want upholstered and cut the bedding to the exact measurement. From there you put the fabric on top of the foam and on the back put 1cm thick piece of wood around the outside back of the foam, tack (doesn’t have to be pretty tacks) the fabric onto the foam. Now put marks exactly 10cm wide or how ever wide you want the diamonds to be!! Once you have that complete you put it on the wall and put any tack you want on the marks you have made!!! THAT SIMPLE!!!!!!!!


Hope this helped

XOXOXO Diyangel

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