Upholstered Wall

I am for one sorry for not posting anything for such a long time!!!!! 😦 And twoUpholstered Wall I have to thank Pinterest for a lot of the Ideas!!!!!

How to make this beautiful background for your wall or headboard of your bed!!!!


  1. Fabric
  2. Tacks (Very sturdy ones)
  3. Bedding (very thick foam)
  4. Hammer

Take measurements of the wall you want upholstered and cut the bedding to the exact measurement. From there you put the fabric on top of the foam and on the back put 1cm thick piece of wood around the outside back of the foam, tack (doesn’t have to be pretty tacks) the fabric onto the foam. Now put marks exactly 10cm wide or how ever wide you want the diamonds to be!! Once you have that complete you put it on the wall and put any tack you want on the marks you have made!!! THAT SIMPLE!!!!!!!!


Hope this helped

XOXOXO Diyangel

Ladder Clothes Rack

Clothes RackLadder Clothes rack

Omg!! How cute?! Anyway here is how to make it

1) Get or build a ladder

2) Paint it if you don’t already have it painted or if you like it with the would showing

3) Drill is recommended!!! Find a spot and make sure its at least at eye level. You could also make it slightly slanted just for décor. purposes

There is a simple way for everything!! Also sorry about not reposting anything in a while, BUSY!!!!


Bow’s On Clothing









The BOW!!!!! Not the outfit!!!!

This looks pretty…difficult but its actually really simple!!!

1) THE FABRIC!!!!!!!

2) This one you need to pay attention for… Make a cut of your “Ribbon” I’ll say, approx. 45cm and fold both ends but leave a 2cm square inbetween, sew the folded “bunny ears” to the same ribbon (if that makes sense??!!) Then cut another two lenghts for your tails of the bow. Place them at the bottom of the 2cm square, sew! Then just sew the top of the square, just to make it look right!!! Sew that to the shirt after you have sewn any length onto the top, For detail!!

The Outfit!!! TOP

Measure then double check!!! For the top, measure the shoulder width, bust, length of torso, arm width, and waist!! But for this top just the shoulder width length of torso and arm width!! Most importantly know what you want… and for this piece wider and flowy!!! I would double your arm length and make a deeper neck line. To put the shirt together you must cut each individual side and sew together!!! If you need a refrence grab one of your shirts! Hint: Make the shirt inside out then, when finished, turn it out and the seems are hidden;) Works great!!!

The Outfit!!! Skirt

Measure then double check!!! For the bottom you should measure the waist (for higher up skirts espicaily), hips, and thigh (also for tighter skirts and skinny jeans!!!) and length or the skirt. After doing this your ready to assemble!!! Also create this inside out first!!! Just use two pieces that are roughly the length you want and sew it almost all the way, leave some room for the zipper of bottons!!! The zipper you simply sew the two sides onto the skirt, and the bottons you have to hand assemble!!!

To make it a dress you can put it on and pin it, take it off and sew it together


Hope this helps!!

Thanx… DIYANGEL xoxox

Teddy Bear

TeddyTeddy Bear

Easy.. No!! Fun and a learning experience… Sure!!! NO, I think this is easy-ish if you really understand how (which is why I’m here!!)

1) GET THE FABRIC!!!!!!!

2) Get some cotton balls or stuffing (non-eddiable!!!;))

3) Sew in pieces then assemble. For example, A circle. cut out two circles in the fabric and sew half way, stuff!! Sew back up!!

To assemble

You could just hot glue them toghether, trust me that works!! Or you could sew where the two meet by hand!! Either works just fine

Hope this little guy will be in your future!!! 😉

Thanxx… DIYANGEL xoxo

Holiday Wreath

Wreath Holiday Wreath

A Simple wreath that anyone could do! Materials below!!

1) Foam or plastic ring ( or you could take a sewing ring and wrap yarn around the rim, that wont give this affect though)

2) Papper cut into the shape of petals ( Then you take a screw driver and push the corner into the ring, Do that for all!!)

Hope this helpped!!

Thanx… DIYANGEL Xoxo

Candy Jars

Candelabras Candy Jars

Candy Jars!!! Redone old candelabras with a jar that fits on top!!!! To simple!!! But you could use them in many ways, like in the bathroom to hold bobby pins or Q-Tips.

Hope this inspired you to create anything you set your minds to!!


Owl Plushie or Phone Case!!

Owl Owl Plushie or Phone Case!!

1) Felt or softer material, and many colours of it!!!!

2) Sewing machine or needle and thread!! (For a vintage look try yarn instead of regular string)

How to make a… Plushie version

First, find your base colour and make two of the same sizes (make them 2-5 cm longer on each side) Then cut out the shapes and sew them to one of the two base squares. After that sew the other base piece to the first one but leave space at the top (just sew up both sides and the bottom only) Put stuffing inside and sew up the last side (the top).

How to make a… Phone case

do the same thing as the top only don’t stuff it and keep the top side opened!!

Hope This helped!!!


Chest of drawersDIY Drawers

These are absaloutly so usefull for your everyday life!! Materials down below!!

1) You know my reconmended woods!!! (MDF Board!!)

2) You would also need some baseboard moulding!! Just to create the rivets on both the bottom and top!!

3) Screw driver or drill ( whichever you prefer!!)

4) Modern, or not, paint!!!! Different colours looks best!! If you want to be extremly artistic, paint each side a different colour!!

5) And this is optional!! Drawers!! You could make them, just by your for pieces of MDF and baseboard connected to the front piece and of course a knob!! Or take from other cabnets around the house!!! Trust me it would look great!! Heres a picture of another idea!

Painted drawersComment on what you think!! LIKE TOO!!!

Thanx… DIYANGEL XoXo ❤


Triple Chocolate Truffels! For the Chocolate Lovers ( These are wonky fonts, appoligys)




oz (250 g) semi-sweet chocolate, chopped


cup (175 mL) heavy whipping cream, divided


tsp (1 mL) Double-Strength Vanilla


oz (250 g) white chocolate, chopped


oz (300 g) bittersweet chocolate, chopped



oz (60 g) white chocolate, chopped


Garnishes (optional, see Cook’s Tip)


  1. Line Loaf Pan with plastic wrap, allowing 1 in. (2.5 cm) to extend past sides. Place semi-sweet chocolate, 6 tbsp (90 mL) of the cream and vanilla in Small Micro-Cooker®. Microwave, uncovered, on HIGH 1-1 1/2 minutes or until chocolate is mostly melted, stirring every 30 seconds with Mini Mix ‘N Scraper®. Pour chocolate mixture into prepared pan; spread evenly. Cover; refrigerate 1 hour or until firm.
  2. Place white chocolate and remaining 6 tbsp (90 mL) cream in clean Micro-Cooker®. Microwave as directed in Step 1. Cool slightly. Spread evenly over chilled semi-sweet chocolate. Cover; refrigerate 4 hours or overnight.
  3. Carefully remove layered chocolate from pan; cut into 1-in. (2.5-cm) square truffles using Color Coated Chef’s Knife. Place bittersweet chocolate into clean, dry Micro-Cooker®. Microwave as directed in Step 1; cool slightly. Transfer half of the melted chocolate to (2-cup/500-mL) Prep Bowl. Using a fork, dip one truffle at a time into chocolate; slide bottom of fork across top edge of Prep Bowl to remove excess chocolate. Push truffle off of fork onto Parchment Paper. Repeat with remaining truffles, adding additional melted chocolate to Prep Bowl as necessary. Let stand 5 minutes or until chocolate is set.
  4. For drizzle, place white chocolate in (1-cup/250-mL) Prep Bowl. Microwave, uncovered, on HIGH 1 minute or until melted, stirring every 30 seconds. Cool slightly. Spoon chocolate into small resealable plastic bag. Twist bag to seal; trim small corner to allow chocolate to flow through. Pipe chocolate over truffles. Let stand 10 minutes or until chocolate is set.

Cook’s Tips: Truffles are easiest to work with when they’re cold. For best results, keep half of the truffles in the refrigerator while dipping the other half.

If layers come apart while dipping truffles, dab some melted chocolate between layers using a Small Spreader to adhere them together.

Store truffles between layers of Parchment Paper in a tightly covered container up to several weeks.

Hope you enjoy these delisious truffels



Pillows and Blankets!! You Gots To Know!!!

what luvn itPillows and Blankies For your Everyday Needs! Materials and how to, at the bottom!!

1) Pick your fabric ( Bigger and bolder the better) (now if there is a patteren please make sure that it will line up in the end)

2) Bedding and stuffing ( You know those fluffy balls you can get at Dollorama and Dollar stores, just purchase those. Either that or if you are feeling diabolical buy a stuffed toy and rip it appart and use that for other things, like sewing a carpet with the scraps!!)

3) Aline the fabric and sew no father than 1cm from the ends ( if that helps any!)

4) Fluff the pillow and/or blankie and leave it for the day to settle then it is free to get dragged around scrunched up and barfed on!!!

Hope this helps